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Our group utilizes state-of-the-art stable isotope techniques, including isotope ratio mass-spectrometer (Delta V w/GC, EA, TC-EA, GasBench), Picarro water analyzer and NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectrometers. We also have array of experimental and sample-preparation systems.

1. ThemoFisher Delta V isotope ratio mass spectrometer with Trace GC-GC Isolink, EA, TC-EA, BasBench peripherals

2. Picarro water isotope analyzer (L-2140-i) for δ2H, δ18O, and 17O-excess

3. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectrometers (JEOL SCC-400MHz
Eclipse-1 & 2, Bruker Avance III HD 400 MHz)

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